Thursday, February 16, 2012

I'm back...for now

It's been about a month since I last blogged...big surprise. Sometimes I completely forget that I even have a blog, but at times like this when I feel like life has slowed down enough for me to process things and prepare for another stretch of whirlwind; I remember I have a blog and some people (not sure how many any more) actually check to see if I've posted anything new or exciting that's happening in my life. Nothing too new, but there are two things that I've been thinking about this week...

1. It was almost a year ago exactly that I was in the worst pain of my life as my apendix was exploding inside of me. And after three weeks of gritting my teeth and waiting it out, I ended up in the hospital looking like this
Praise God that I finally went to my doctor and that a.) I am alive and b.) that nothing else was damaged and they took nothing more out than my silly little apendix. (what was left of it at least)

2. I got a package from a dear friend earlier this week and it made my day!! Getting things in the mail is such a joy and makes you feel so blessed-I do at least. So, my new desire is to send a package to someone with whatever box I received in the mail. So the box I received just a few days ago is now waiting to be filled with goodies to be sent to someone special in my life.  I also think this is fun because not only is it awesome getting something on holidays or birthdays or to know something's coming, but how much more awesome and splendid is it to get something completely unexpected?? 

Friday, January 20, 2012


Well folks, it's been awhile. Apparently my New Year's resolution was not to blog more, so forgive me for being MIA. This last month and a half or so has been a whirlwind...Christmas, parties, moving (me and my parents), work, family illness, and just life in general. But here we are and life is good. It's better than good actually. Because God is good and blesses us so very much in the midst of daily life. When we sit in his presence and remind ourselves of his love for us, we need nothing else. Though it is sometimes hard and seems impossible at times to not get consumed with life and our circumstances, God gives us the peace and comfort (and sanity) to press on and know that we are in the care of the creator of the universe and that we have much to anticipate! It brings me back to one of my favorite verses.

Psalm 46:10
"Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"

That's all I have for I'm off to a friends cabin for the weekend to sew, read and drink lots of coffee :) Hope you have lovely weekend as well!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

season of loneliness

Let's be honest...being single is great, but there are moments that I miss living life with people. Perhaps that is one of the reasons I miss college so much. I was constantly surrounded by people who I was able to go on grand adventures with or do even the most mundane tasks with. Yes, I've made friends since I moved to the cities, but having coffee once every couple weeks is not quite the same as being with them every spare moment of your day. And as I think about sending out a Christmas card with a picture of just me and trying to make big life decisions like buying a car with no one to confer and talk it through with, life seems a little bit lonely.

The good news is that I know this time will past. So here's to embracing singleness and independence and doing what I want ;)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

a time to be thankful

I believe that an attitude of thankfulness should not be limited to one day a year, but in the same breath, I am glad that there is a day set aside for us to take the time to reflect on the past year and be overcome with all there is to be thankful for.

I have so much to be thankful for, but this year, the top of the list is health. Praise God for his miraculous hand of protection over me during the 2 month journey of my apendix rupturing and the recovery that followed. I was brought to tears today thinking about the fact that so many things could have gone wrong and the turn out could have been very different, but I am as good as new minus one organ and a healed scar as a reminder of his protection and purpose that he has for me yet to come.

The thankfulness does not stop there. My family is amazing and always there for me, even though I am definitely a hand full!

I hope you all enjoyed a grand Thanksgiving feast today! I feel as though I ate about half of the 22 pound turkey my grandma made. Along with lots of mashed potatoes, cookie salad, stuffing, cranberries, rolls and green bean salad...and pie. It's not often that I eat like this when I cook for myself-gotta love family get togethers :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Honey Pumpkin Pie

I've always wanted to make a REAL pumpkin pie. Not with the pumpkin that comes in a can, but from an actual round pumpkin that is freshly picked from the vine. Well, a few weeks ago I was able to check that off my list of things to do before I die. I went to a pumpkin patch with some friends and saw the baking pumpkins and knew I had to do it. Here's the recipe I used as well as some pictures of the process...ENJOY!!

Honey Pumpkin Pie
  • 1 1/2 cups pumpkin
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 2 eggs, slightly beaten
  • 1 cup evaporated milk
  • 1 unbaked pie shell
Combine pumpkin, honey, cinnamon, vanilla and salt. Add eggs and milk. Pour into pie shell and bake at 425ยบ for 40 to 45 minutes. Makes 6-8 servings.

(a little warning, I haven't edited the pictures yet, so don't judge)

The pumpkin used to make the delicious pie.

All cleaned and ready for the grand transformation.

Cut the pumpkin into 1-2 inch cubes.

Put in a large pot with an inch of water. Boil and then cover and steam.


Remove the skin...


Then to make the pie :)

Ready to be cooked. (ps the batter is delicious!)



Ready to eat :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Well friends, this whole having a big girl job is a big adjustment. Working 40 some hours a week plus commuting is a very different change of pace from what I was used to. So be patient with me. I'm learning how to manage my time and am also wondering how people do this! Hopefully I'll post more soon and fill you in on what's new in my life. But now I must go to sleep. Goodnight :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

new favorite

Someone shared this song with me today, and I can't help but play it on repeat. Check it out!