Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I just about posted the longest post ever with my word-vomit about all of my failures as a human. Don't worry though, I've spared you all!  To make a long story short, it's easy to be consumed by things/thoughts/feelings about this world, rather than being focused on our eternal future/hope/glory. It's tough sometimes. In the chaos of life that is hitting me in the face and ripping me apart like a stage 5 hurricane I have turned to Psalm 46. In the midst of chaos of mountains quaking and nations being in uproar, God says in verse 10,
"Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." 
So here I am. Being still. In awe of the wonder of who God is. Knowing he will be exalted.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Winter is Like Childbirth

My new thought… Winter is like childbirth. It’s terrible at the time and extremely painful, but there must be some endorphin released in the spring that makes you think, “That wasn’t so bad, I can do it again.” Why do we trick ourselves like this?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

A day to celebrate a noteworthy man for a noteworthy cause! King was the chief spokesman for nonviolent activism in the civil right movement and successfully protested racial discrimination in federal and state law.

Did you know that the holiday was first observed in 1986 but not officially observed by all 50 states until 2000?? Many states resisted celebrating by giving it an alternative name or combining it with other holidays. (I thought this was shocking)

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” –Letter from Birmingham Jail

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have never wanted spring so much in my life as I do this winter.  I usually don’t mind winter. I enjoy the snow and bundling up and the quietness that comes on winter nights. And I’ve always found spring to be a little overrated anyway. ( I suppose spring isn’t really a season in North Dakota, it’s just when all of the snow melts and the bottoms of your pants get wet and dirty.) But as I think about it, it really is an equally wonderful time of year that I am eagerly awaiting this year! Color and plants starting to grow and sun… I think sun is what I am most looking forward to. I used to hate heat and dreaded going to Myrtle Beach for a summer because of the heat, but here I am 2 years later ready to book a flight to any beach that will take me. Until then I will get to the conference room where we each lunch early so I can sit in the spot that the sun hits…on the days that it’s shining. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

stop thinking about others?

At about this time last year, I was preparing for my final days of college. Wondering what post-college life had for me. Well, here I am. Still wondering. As I was thinking about different possibilities and what might be in store, I had a hard time answering the same questions I'm facing now. What are your passions, what would be your dream job, what do you feel your gifts are, etc. etc.? As I was pondering these questions a year ago, I was talking to a friend on the phone and as I was venting about the anxiety of the unknown future he said something along the lines of "Bekah, this must be really hard for you. You're always thinking about others and what they want and need and think, but this is a time where you need to figure out what you want and need and think." This is in no way supposed to be me flattering myself, because let's be real-it's not always how I act or feel. But quite honestly I brushed off that statement without even thinking twice, but it has come back to me now. A year later. I don't do well at processing, so here I am still trying to figure out what I'm passionate about and where I feel called. And now is the time to face myself head on and do some soul searching. Anyone have any ideas for what I should be when I grow up??

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Growing up

For Christmas this year I got many wonderful gifts...listed in no particular order:

1. A sewing machine (yes, I asked for it and am excited to start some fun projects)
2. Pots and pans to use in my apartment!
3. Wii game and accessories-excited to get my Wii on again!
4. Rachael Ray subscription for a year.
5. Sweet fuzzy cheetah print vest about 3 sizes too small; thanks grandma :)
6. Many other fun things.

As I think about it, I got a lot of gifts that will allow me to become more domestic. Now it's just figuring out what to start with...Any suggestions?

Monday, January 3, 2011

true statement

no one can prepare you for real life. 

it's a new year.

I think it's funny that now is the time for resolutions for self-improvement and other such things that come with a new year, but I suppose it's a good kick in the butt during these bitterly cold winter months that could make it easy to hibernate and become complacent. I don't really have any resolutions per-say but there are things I would like to change. So here's to a new year and new adventures! and of course many more changes :)