Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I've been known to spill...

Sometimes life is messy. And sometimes I wish there was a rewind button and that I could have a do-over. But this is not the case. Which is ok. It can be hard to let go of some of the decisions I make that could have been better, but I am who I am because of them and learn that when I spill big and feel as though I make a mess out of everything it is not the end of the world. So praise the Lord that I am more than the decisions I make and the circumstances I find myself in.

Friday, December 24, 2010

*Merry Christmas*

What a wonderful and glorious time of year, and what a reason to celebrate...the birth of our Savior-how magnificent! Here is to basking in the "reason for the season" and enjoying time with dear loved ones :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

my next car.

I know it seems silly to even think about since I just got a new car, but my next car will be an SUV. I've already decided. Yes, I get great gas mileage, but I hate feeling completely helpless when I can't even get up my driveway. Hopefully my snow tires will help and reduce my crying phone calls to my father when I get stuck. That's my random thought for the day.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

i survived the blizzard of 2010

I heard we were supposed to get snow, but I was not expecting the skies to open up and dump as much as it did. The only reason I really survived is because I hibernated through it. I was doped up on nyquil and dayquil the whole weekend. An opportune time to be sick, since there was nothing else to do but rest and boy did I! I'm sure everyone heard about the metrodome collapsing, which is pretty great but what most people don't know is that Oakdale (which is where I live) got the most snow in the twin cities. 20 some inches! Nice. Besides the things previously mentioned it was a good time of cookie making, wrapping presents AND being introduced to the movie "White Christmas" (thanks Hope!).

I myself don't mind the snow...unless my car gets stuck...but other than that I find it to be wonderland-esque. yes, i just made up that word. I would actually like to get proposed to in the snow, or some kind of precipitation. That is the romantic side of me that has been affected by the media I guess, but a girl can dream right? For now, here's to the beginning of more snow to come : )

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

small town girl

I know that I am not really from a small town, but some days living in the twin cities, I feel like I did. Everyday I drive to work, I am still blown away by the fact that generally speaking...this is where I live.
An urban area made up of 186 cities-this baffles me. There are days it is a bit overwhelming, but I am one to be easily overwhelmed. Sometimes I just wonder where everyone is going. So many people!