Friday, October 1, 2010


That is exactly what I am...a list maker. I like to write things down that need to be done and cross them off upon completion. Since today was the beginning of a new month (and since today was the day I went to Target) I bought myself a new planner, which I am very excited about :) I've been thinking about getting one for awhile now but couldn't justify it since mine worked perfectly fine. Yes, it still does the trick, but my old one will be out of date soon, and I've had my eye on one for a few weeks now, so I went for it-daring, I know! I love organization and details, so I guess me buying a planner is like some girls buying a new pair of shoes. Especially now that I will be working 2 jobs, trying to figure out life and get connected, having a deluxe planner will be extremely beneficial (and maybe make me feel like I'm getting things together...maybe).

I have tomorrow afternoon free, so look forward to hearing more about my life this past week...I know, I've been terrible at updating and posting new things, but it's a work in progress, and it's on my list of things to do ;)

1 comment:

  1. 1. I like your post.
    2. I am glad you also like lists
    3. New planners make planning more exciting I have found.
    4. I am excited to see you on Saturday
