Today I started my new job as a Student Records Coordinator at Rasmussen College. It's been quite the journey getting here and is just the beginning of what I'm sure will be an overwhelming next few weeks. I was given a warm welcome by the few that I interacted with today and then will be introduced at our all-staff meeting on Friday. I've been told I'll have to stand in front of the room and answer any questions people have for me as well as tell them 3 interesting facts about myself-oh joy. (If you can think of anything interesting about me, please let me know! It always seems as though when you force yourself to think about your quirks you can't seem to pinpoint them)
I'm really looking forward to being a part of this team and learning all that my job entails. One of the most exciting things is that I have an office with a name placard with my name on it, outside of my door already. As I was ironing my pants last night, preparing for actually wearing dress clothes to work, I thought to myself, "tomorrow I'm going to put on my big girl pants."
There are a few reasons this stuck out to me.
1. If you know me well enough, you'll know that one of my favorite sayings (credit given to my mother) is "put on your big girl panties and deal with it". This isn't a situation that I need to "buck up" in order to deal with, but rather than putting on my big girl panties, I put on my big girl pants.
2. These are not my grown up pants. Just my big girl pants. One step at a time, ya know? I still don't think of myself as an adult and prefer to gradually take on that title, so for now I'll stick to being a big kid.
3. The fact that I was ironing my pants is crazy to me. No longer can I wear jeans or a skirt and leggings to work, but I have to be a presentable and professional person in the business world. Still waiting for that to sink in.
Well, those are just a few of my ramblings. I survived my first day and plan to go back tomorrow. I'm exhausted after one full day, but here's to many more :)